Praethoris Khorr
Praethoris Khorr was a Vladizapadsk admiral, Gatruvat of Sociotechnology, and later the fourth Forarr of the First Fulkreyksk Authoritariat. Committed to the founding vision of Fulkreykk as envisioned by Vrankenn Kassck, Khorr codified the initial belief in a genetic caste system into ideological doctrine, as well as the ban on religion in the Fulkreyksk core.
His Greatness Praethoris Khorr | |
Forarr of the Fulkreyksk Authoritariat | |
1701 PC - 1691 PC (939 AD - 949 AD)
Predecessor | Iyvan Falk |
Successor | Ylai Vascoman |
Gatruvat of Sociotechnology | |
1718 PC - 1702 PC (922 AD - 938 AD)
Predecessor | Gorbus Vilas |
Successor | Korg Vholcazk |
Personal info | |
Born | 1767 PC (873 AD) |
Died | 1691 PC (949 AD) |
Cause of death | Severe blood clots caused by experimental genetic engineering |
Buried | The Khorrian Mausoleum, Vladizapad |
Religion | Atheist |
Political Party |
Vladizapadsk Labor Party Science Party (Fulkreykk) |
Father | Glaius Khorr |
Mother | Veleska Khorr |
Spouse | Milaia Khorr |
Children | Nalora, Minuvall, Nevra |
Military Service | |
Nicknames |
Thor The Black Kaisar |
Allegiance | Fulkreyksk Steornamaryyn |
Years of service | 1736 PC - 1724 PC (904 AD - 916 AD) |
Highest rank | Grand Admiral |
Wars | War of Aedonau |
Awards |
Early Life
Praethoris was born in the town of Jorgengrad, a large village on the impoverished agricultural and commercial world of Vladizapad. His father Glaius managed a clothing store, and his mother Veleska stayed at home and raised Praethoris and his younger sister Ielga. The store was initially a success, but was shut down following state-forced lockdowns after a planetary wave of the Vorskan Plague.
Facing unemployment and the loss of his business, Glaius Khorr committed suicide when Praethoris was just 7 years old. Veleska, Praethoris, and Ielga moved into a small apartment. Veleska was determined to send Praethoris to university, and enrolled him in the Mandanov Institute of Technology, where he graduated with a major in Political Engineering and a minor in Revolutionary Biology.
As a political youth and recent university graduate, Khorr joined the Vladizapadsk Labor Party, an early workers' rights advocacy party. He went on to manage the party's social media accounts, and raised funds through hostage-taking, robberies, and protection rackets; never doing any of the dirty work himself, Khorr would use local gangs as proxies, and split the profits with them, in order to maintain plausible deniability. He was never caught or arrested.
Naval service
When Fulkreykk annexed and introduced a military garrison on Vladizapad due to the threat caused by Aedonau's dark crusade against the Authoritariat, Khorr decided to join the Fulkreyksk Star Navy. Serving in the War of Aedonau, Khorr, through both genuine valor and bravery, and bribery, corruption, and social manipulation, made his way to the rank of Grand Admiral. His superiors were impressed with his ability to think quickly in battle, strike at the enemy's weakest point, and take advantage of the ensuing disorganization of enemy forces.
In the Battle of Vion Kann, Khorr lost his sight to an enemy gas attack when he evacuated his comrades, and had both of his eyes replaced with enhanced bionic eyes. For his self-sacrifice, Khorr was awarded the Knight's Order of the Black Banner, First Class, and was honorably discharged.
Rise to power
Despite, or more likely because of, his military fame, the Thedish Assembly began to see Khorr as a threat, and thus they offered him the head position of one of the most useless Gatruvangs in the entire Fulkreyksk government: the Gatruvang of Sociotechnology, which manages the government's official social media accounts. Khorr accepted, in what would later turn out to be a massive blunder for the Thedish Assembly.
Khorr's political acumen was superhuman; literally, in this case, as he used his knowledge of Revolutionary Biology to gene-mod his own brain to be more Machiavellian. With such ability to manipulate others, and with political allies in key offices, Khorr turned the Gatruvang of Sociotechnology from merely managing the state's social media, to controlling all technological surveillance of the populace. Khorr used his newfound power to purge the government of his political rivals by either finding or fabricating evidence that they had committed some crime; as the early Fulkreyksk government was very strict with regards to the integrity of its officials, Khorr's actions were very effective.
Marriage and family
In the year 1715 PC (925 AD), Khorr married the love of his life Milaia Vakai. In 1705 PC (935 AD), their third child Nevra, a daughter, was born; by this time they had two other children: Nalora, another daughter aged 6, and Minuvall, a son aged 4. Khorr's family was full of love and free of problems, especially when compared to the families of most other Fulkreyksk politicians.
Forarr of Fulkreykk
In the year 1701 PC (939 AD), following the death of Forarr Iyvan Falk, Khorr was elected Forarr of the Thedish Assembly, making him head of state of the Fulkreyksk Authoritariat. As the chief executive, Khorr would use his power to shift law-making authority from the Assembly to the Politburo (Thedish: Staetraed), over which he had direct control, as the Forarr was the one who appointed its members and could fire or punish them at will. This gave Khorr near-dictatorial power, which he used to further the cause of Fulkreykk's founding ideology: promoting trust in the science over faith in religion, establishing an engineered genetic caste system, and crushing the forces of Aedon's deities.
By the time he was elected Forarr, the War of Aedonau was still ongoing. Aedonau was a human of the galactic southwest who was granted demonic traits as a reward for his championing of the corrupting cause of the Herald of Fate, a god of Aedon, and led a warband of cultists and demons. Leading his forces north into western Fulkreyksk space, Aedonau waged a very effective war against Fulkreykk. Forarr Khorr shut this down fast. Using advanced Fulkreyksk technology, Khorr crushed Aedonau's forces, even sending Spec-Ops Squad 919 to assassinate Aedonau himself. He also forged a political alliance with the Drakhassi Federation in the space surrounding the Aedon Vortex, and assisted them with rebuilding, even giving them technology to enhance the pylons standing upon the Sentinel Worlds that were built to contain the Vortex.
Khorr implemented policy to prevent the dark worship of Aedon from spreading within Fulkreykk, enforcing the abolition of religion, and the implantation of computer chips into the brains of those susceptible to Aedon's influence.
In 1691 PC (949 AD), Forarr Khorr died of severe blood clots caused by experimental genetic engineering intended to enhance his immune system. Back on Vladizapad during Khorr's childhood, he came down sick with the Vorskan Plague at the age of 6, which made him susceptible to flareups of the disease in his older age. He experienced the first of these flareups in 1692 PC (948 AD), leaving him in agony with a sensation of burning in the chest for days. This was something that the Forarr was desperate never to experience again, thus he took the untested treatment. Unfortunately for him, a flaw in the gene encoding caused blood clotting, which would prove fatal for Khorr.
Post-Khorr power struggle
Left to right: Ylai Vascoman, Korg Vholcazk, and Toval Brekoryn
Khorr's official successor was Deputy Ylai Vascoman. A weak-willed and unambitious man, Vascoman was the only member of the Politburo to be unaware of the attempted power grab by Korg Vholcazk, leading Gatruvat of Foreign Affairs Toval Brekoryn to overthrow Vholcazk using the military, remove Vascoman from power, and take the office of Forarr for himself, in order to restore power to the Thedish Assembly and begin his policies of De-Khorrification.
Khorr's legacy is revered in modern Isarnareykk, and hotly debated in Mechyrdian academia. In Isarnareykk, Khorr is seen as a war hero who defeated the forces of Aedon, and a great leader who brought stability to the Fulkreykski. In Mechyrdia, some are willing to agree with that viewpoint, while others see him as a tyrant who manipulated people and seized absolute power, and still others see him as a man who was necessarily evil in order to succeed in waging war against Aedonau.
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