Fulkreyksk Authoritariat

The First Fulkreyksk Authoritariat was a sovereign state in the Milky Way Galaxy that existed in 1781 PC - 1456 PC (859 AD - 1184 AD). The nation was an authoritarian oligarchy, ruled by the Thedish Assembly and governed by the Forarr, with its capital in Theden. Its territory included much of the galactic north, later annexing the galactic east and southeast.

Fulkreyksk Authoritariat



Eynheyd, Treyheyd, Gavaurstligkeyd (Thedish)

Unity, Loyalty, Synergy (Translated)

Capital Theden
Languages Thedish
Ethnic Groups
  • 58% Human
  • 15% Ilkhan
  • 14% Tylan
  • 8% Niska
  • 5% Other
Religions Banned in core territory, minority religions allowed in Reykksgemouti
Population 53,329,535,657,309 (peak in 1542 PC)
Government Authoritarian oligo-democracy with strong executive
  • Vrankenn Kassck (1781-1768 PC)
  • Dagobar Orsh (1768-1724 PC)
  • Iyvan Falk (1724-1701 PC)
  • Praethoris Khorr (1701-1691 PC)
  • Ylai Vascoman (briefly in 1691 PC)
  • Toval Brekoryn (1691-1677 PC)
  • Jorh Karnas (1677-1659 PC)
  • Agan Lorus (1659-1640 PC)
  • Tolarn Hathar (1640-1608 PC)
  • Jol Takan (1608-1598 PC)
  • Serna Pertona (1598-1569 PC)
  • Kor Tefran (1569-1536 PC)
  • Belis Arvi (1536-1499 PC)
  • Kleon Galvus (1499-1460 PC)
  • Augast Voss (1460-1456 PC)
Legislature Theodisc Theng "Thedish Assembly"
Currency Tauyandsvisangsmark (TVM) "productivity measure", commonly abbreviated to mark


Fulkreykk had its roots in the unification of its homeworld Theden (Thd. Theodryg), also one of the many homeworlds of humanity, under a council of nations. In order to replace the old nations and governments with a new one-world culture based on science instead of tradition, the Thedish Assembly was founded by Forarr Vrankenn Kassck.

Kassck quickly set out to consolidate power around the Assembly, preventing nations from governing themselves but forcing them to abide by the Assembly's decrees. Fulkreykk, the one-world government, was pitched as a world-wide democracy (indeed, the name is Thedish for "people-dominion") but it turned out to be an authoritarian oligarchy.

Syudanheym Reaction

Despite its efficiency in consolidating authority, Fulkreykk did face difficulty in unifying Theden, usually in the form of local rebellions against the Assembly. The most successful rebellion took place in the city of Syudanheym. Led by Dyotrik v'Eritzssck, a former militia general and the head clergyman of Geoutlan Country's local religion, the local militia's rebellion was deemed the Syudanheym Reaction by the urban Vaarheydgibari (Thedish for "truth-givers").

While Forarr Kassck had great success in subjugating the large megacities, he was facing difficulty in enforcing Fulkreyksk law on the more rural areas. This was especially so since Kassck never attempted to extend an olive branch to the inhabitants of these areas, preferring to insult them as "primitives", "peasants", and "plebeians".

The Forarr started his campaign of deruralization by replacing the food from rural farms and ranches with genetically-cloned meat and crops grown in hydroponic farms, which allowed the cities to continue eating while he razed farmland with the liberal application of exothermic warheads. Eventually, however, the growing tension caused the inhabitants of rural areas to snap. Dyotrik v'Eritzssck called an assembly of the clergy in Geoutlan, where he instructed them to rally their respective towns' militias to arms against Forarr Kassck and his Thedish Assembly.

For some time, the rebellion worked: it had liberated all of Geoutlan Country and had captured Khau-Nuut, the Fulkreyksk administrative capital of the region. This would change when Kassck mobilized the Thedish forces from outside Geoutlan, in places like Svartaryg and Noreth to the north, and Boumerania and Haanobar to the south. During the Battle of Scala Island, v'Eritzssck was killed, and the rebellion largely dissolved without his leadership.

Succession after Kassck

Vrankenn Kassck died in 1768 PC (872 AD), intentionally not naming an heir to the title of Forarr; instead, Kassck sought collective leadership of the executive State Council (Thd. Staetraed). Ultimately, this didn't work out, and the office of Forarr was taken by Dagobar Orsh, formerly the Manager of Urban Relations under Kassck's administration.

Colonization of space

During the administration of Dagobar Orsh, the bulk drive was invented, turning Fulkreykk from a planetary government into an interstellar government. The Authoritariat developed its ideology of Vitanaskaphtsregaerang (Thedish for "science-rulership") under Kassck's leadership: entire sections of the population were gene-modded in various ways for the purpose of creating a genetic caste system, and religion was banned entirely. This ideology was only applied to urban areas early on, until the regime of Praethoris Khorr recodified it and applied it across the entire Authoritariat.

Political freedom was typically low, but it reached new depths under Khorr's rulership as Forarr, who shifted political authority from the Assembly to the State Council and filled the latter with his supporters. Khorr would later die of severe blood clots caused by experimental genetic engineering, and his designated successsor Ylai Vascoman would take power. Vascoman was weak, however, and Toval Brekoryn usurped his authority to prevent the would-be tyrant Korg Vholcazk from doing the same.

Under Brekoryn's rule and policy of De-Khorrification, Fulkreykk conquered many alien races, including the Ilkhai, the Niska, the Tylans, making them into satrapies (Thd. Reykksgamouti). They settled many worlds in their part of the galaxy with humans, and set up a scientific monitoring station in orbit around Earth. Their conquests would cease in their war with the Drakhassi Federation, which was so disastrous for Fulkreykk that the Assembly threw then-Forarr Jorh Karnas out of office and exiled him to Tyulareykk, to live among the Tylans that he so hated.

Forarr Serna Pertona attempted to revive some of Praethoris Khorr's totalitarian policies in her Re-Khorrification program, which her childhood friend and political ally Kor Tefran would continue. Re-Khorrification remained the status quo until the collapse of Fulkreykk.

Left to right: Jorh Karnas, Serna Pertona, Kor Tefran, and Augast Voss

The fall of the first Authoritariat began with the secession of the Tylans, forming their own church-led theocracy. Before the Tylan secession, the Fulkreyksk government under Forarr Augast Voss instituted many anti-Tylan policies as part of continuing Pertona's Re-Khorrification, something that greatly upset the Tylans. After the Tylan secession, many other ethnic groups also seceded from the human-dominated empire, such as the Niska and the Ilkhans. The native humans of the galactic north hunkered down in isolation, during a period known as the Fulkreyksk Interregnum.


The Fulkreyksk Authoritariat would be revitalized in 187 UC (2827 AD), by the humans still loyal to it after its original fall. By this point in history, Fulkreykk has become so different from its former self that historians consider it to be a separate state, the Second Fulkreyksk Authoritariat.

Policies of Fulkreykk

The policies of Fulkreykk are characterized first and foremost by the aesthetic of high science, which, due to the lack of scientific mindset, was never anything more than just an aesthetic. The Fulkreykski worshiped science as a dogmatic doctrine; they followed the word of the scientific experts, quoted and interviewed in Fulkreyksk propaganda, as though it were holy scripture. The primary, quasi-utopian goal of Fulkreykk is every part of its society working together in machine-like rhythm and cohesion, and the Fulkreyksk government attempted to accomplish this through the artificial engineering of a genetic caste system.

Genetic caste system

The Fulkreyksk genetic caste system was introduced into society by means of mandatory retroviral injections for infants and pregnant woman that modified the human body's development according to whichever caste the person was in. There were six castes of Fulkreykk, each with its own associated color.

The Fulkreyksk government also used genetic engineering for other purposes, such as infecting the homeworlds of rebellious populations with artificial viruses intended to cause maximum pain and suffering.

Other policies

Fulkreyksk society had always been hostile to religion; this had been conditioned into their society since the time of Vrankenn Kassck. Praethoris Khorr's intervention against the warlord Aedonau merely reinforced to the Fulkreyksk people the importance of always opposing religion. In addition to anti-religious policy, the Fulkreyksk government enforced a ban on psychic powers, in order to combat the influence of Aedon.


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