Mechyrdian Navy

The Mechyrdian Navy (Mec. Štelflót) is the interplanetary warfare service branch of the Mechyrdian Armed Forces. It is one of two uniformed service branches of the Empire of Mechyrdia, the other being the Mechyrdian Army.


See here

Tylan Navy

The Tylan Republic also has ships of its own navy: they use the same designs as Mechyrdian ships, albeit with blue trims instead of gold trims in order to distinguish between the two navies.


Technology Description
Power generation Carbon combustion Smaller ships, especially those on stealth missions, burn hydrocarbons and oxygen to generate power.
Nuclear fission Medium-size ships use nuclear fission in thorium reactors to generate power. The waste is jettisoned into deep, interstellar space, never to be found again.
Nuclear fusion The largest ships use nuclear fusion of hydrogen to generate power.
Particle weapons Particle cannons Cannons that fire large pulsed bolts of assorted high-energy exotic particles.
Beam lances Direct-fire lances that fire solid beams of exotic massless particles.
Mega Giga Cannon Fires an extremely massive and dense beam of energetic particles, some of which aren't even native to the local universe, capable of vaporizing a large asteroid in one shot.
Missile weapons Positron torpedo Missiles with positron warheads, intended to cause an explosion on the enemy ship hull.
Deflector shields Negative-energy fields Shield projectors polarize the field in order for it only to absorb enemy projectiles and weapons, while letting the ship's own scanner waves and projectiles pass through. Once the field is created, it cannot be recharged until it is completely depleted, so deflector shields have a certain amount of damage they can take before needing to be recharged.
Hull armor Minsteel alloy

Mineralized steel is extremely durable, making it the perfect candidate to make a starship out of. It's not as expensive as some other candidates, as it is easy to replicate from raw matter in an atom printer.

It's made of alloyed layers of iron, carbon, zinc, tungsten, chromium, vanadium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, and crystal zanite. Zanite is what gives the alloy its strength, and is only found on a few worlds, so natural zanite is highly coveted. Industrial zanite, however, is made in particle printers, and is more reliable as it doesn't have the impurities of natural zanite.

Scanners Bulk radar (active) Bounces bulkspace tachyons off of distant objects to scan around the ship, faster than even light would allow.
Particle capture (passive) Captures particles of radiation in order to scan passively for things.
FTL comms Bulkspace radio Uses bulkspace to communicate with other ships instantaneously across long distances. Encryption is done with lattice-based cryptography, as earlier cryptosystems such as RSA or elliptic-curve can easily be cracked by a quantum computer.
FTL drive Bulkdrive Ship jumps into bulkspace at origin. Ship flies through bulkspace. Ship exits bulkspace at destination. More information can be found in the Bulkspace article.
STL comms IPv8 A tried-and-true technology dating from the Age of Earth, the Internet Protocol, having reached its 8th version number, is used on ship computers to communicate with one another, both wirelessly and over wire.
STL drive Impulse engines Uses fusion of deuterium and helium-3 to generate thermal energy. Fusion exhaust is directed out the rear of the ship to generate thrust, while neutrons are reflected out the rear of the ship using a beryllium paraboloid.
Replicators Atom printers Atom printers take nucleonic matter in any form, and rearrange the protons, neutrons, and electrons to produce an output according to a material pattern.
Particle printers Particle printers are similar to atom printers, however they print the raw leptons and quarks of matter. They can also manipulate bulkspace particles, making them much more versatile for printing rare exotic-particle-bound minerals, such as hyprite, zanite, or gravitite.
Transport Transportarium beam gates Creates a wormhole where a person is and where they are being sent. Person walks through the wormhole.
Shuttles It's a shuttlecraft; about twice the volume of a 2001 Honda Civic, shuttles are used for transport between ships when transportaria would be unreliable.



The Mechyrdian Navy has eight departments:

Name Translation Description
Imperj Command The top authority of the fleet, Navy Command is in charge of making sure people and ships are where they need to be
Šlaht Battle Navy Battle is in charge of tactics and strategy during wartime. During peacetime, they are in charge of making sure the fleet is ready for any surprise attacks, as well as practicing combat
Operacióna Operations Navy Operations is in charge of inter-ship communications, provisioning supplies, and enforcing Navy policy
Mehanica Engineering Navy Engineering is in charge of maintaining ships, stations, and various other pieces of space military infrastructure. They are often rumored by sailors of foreign navies to be able to turn pebbles into pistols
Medicala Medical Navy Medical is in charge of making sure the crews of Mechyrdian ships and stations are healthy and happy
Sciencj Science Navy Science is in charge of cataloging and analyzing scientific anomalies, as well as blowing them up if the need arises
Intelligencj Intelligence Navy Intelligence is in charge of gathering and supplying intel on foreign forces
Felþapresbytra Chaplaincy (lit. Field Priests) Navy Chaplaincy is in charge of providing sailors with religious accomodations by means of ship chaplains

Navy department insigniae


There are also fourteen ranks for commissioned officers, as well as thirteen for non-commissioned officers and three for enlisted personnel:

Name Translation Description
Flag officer ranks
Admiral Ciarstuos Admiral of the Empire The highest-ranking admiral in the Navy. Partnered with the civilian Minister of Void Defense
Admiral Dómin Lord Admiral/Lady Admiral Second-highest-ranking admirals in the Navy. Typically in charge of all Mechyrdian Navy ships within entire sectors or foreign nations
Admiral Hauh High Admiral Ranking immediately above regular Admirals. In charge of coordinating multiple battlegroups below the level of sectors or foreign nations
Admiral Admiral In charge of a single battlegroup
Admiral Vicj Vice Admiral De facto specialty rank, may serve as the executive officer to an Admiral, or as the commanding officer of a starbase or Navy academy outside the Mechyrd capital district
Admiral Retrógvardi Rear Admiral Usually serves as the commanding officer of a squadron, a column, or a task force of ships within a battlegroup
Senior officer ranks
Commodór Commodore A ship captain ranking about most other ship captains. Sometimes considered to be an admiralty rank, commodores still captain ships, yet can issue orders to other ship captains under certain circumstances
Capitaín Captain The captain of a ship, usually. Some captains may instead be a part of a Navy department's bureaucracy
Commandant Commander Immediately below captain-rank officers. On a ship, typically serves as the executive officer to the captain-rank commanding officer
Ljutenant-Commandant Lieutenant-Commander The lowest senior rank within the Navy. Typically there are 2-3 Lieutenant-Commanders on a Navy ship, where one of them serves as second officer
Junior officer ranks
Ljutenant Seniór Lieutenant Senior Pluralized as "Lieutenants Senior". The highest junior rank within the Navy. Considered to be a "full lieutenant", whereas Lieutenants Junior are "half-lieutenants"
Ljutenant Giuniór Lieutenant Junior Pluralized as "Lieutenants Junior". Considered to be a "half-lieutenant", whereas Lieutenants Senior are "full lieutenants". Within Navy culture, sometimes joked to be "halfway between an ensign and a sapient being"
Signifer Ensign Literally translated from Mechyrdian as "standard-bearer", due to the dual meaning of "ensign" as either a military rank or a naval flag. Ensigns are the lowest-ranking post-training officer
Cadet Cadet Officers in training, after a four-year course at a Navy academy, learning how to operate a ship as an ensign. Usually, what they learn is how to operate food printers to generate coffee for senior officers
Warrant officer ranks
Čifmandatofficir Chief Warrant Officer

Highest-ranking warrant officer, technically considered to have rank ordinal MO-VIII

At this point, warrant officers looking to be commissioned into the Navy as a Cadet would be looking at a Department that fits their current career path:

  • Soldiers typically go into Command or Battle, but sometimes Operations
  • Repairmen typically go into Engineering, but sometimes Operations or Science
  • Hospitallers typically go into Medical, but sometimes Science or Chaplaincy
  • Scientists typically go into Science, but sometimes Engineering or Intelligence

Mandatofficir I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Warrant Officer 1-7 Lower-ranking warrant officers. Warrant officers are non-commissioned officers who have been given warrants by Navy leadership; they are usually technical experts
Petty officer ranks
Čifangustofficir Chief Petty Officer Highest-ranking petty officer, technically considered to have rank ordinal AO-V
Angustofficir I, II, III, IV Petty Officer 1-4 Lower-ranking petty officers. Petty officers are non-commissioned officers, who serve as both technical specialists and direct leadership for the lower-ranking enlisted personnel
Enlisted ranks
Šteldómin I, II, III Enlisted 1-3 Enlisted personnel within the navy are considered to be in apprenticeships while searching or in training for a career path. There are four main career paths for enlisted void-sailors: soldiers, repairmen, hospitallers, and scientists; in Mechyrdian, these are solidata (sg. solidat), reparatóra (sg. reparatór), hospitalira (sg. hospitalir), and scientista (sg. scientist), respectively

Navy rank insigniae

Bureaucratic ranks

Not every Navy sailor or officer serves on a starship; in fact, many are given a place within the Mechyrdian Navy bureaucracy. Captains and Commodores serving in departments other than Command, while they are allowed to captain starships, rarely do so. Instead, they serve in "the other captain's chair", as it is colloquially known: a chair behind a desk, hence why they are known as "desk captains" as opposed to "ship captains" who command starships. The Navy bureaucracy is, to a larger extent, also comprised of lower-ranking officers as well as NCOs.

Specialty fleets

Aside from the main warfleets of the Navy, there are also four specialty organizations:

Name Translation Description
Corpus Exploratóras Explorer Corps Responsible for discovering, identifying, cataloguing, and analyzing things in space, such as celestial objects, primitive cultures, and anomalies
Custóda Granicin Border Patrols Protecting the borders of the Empire from mass-movement invasions, as well as deporting illegal residents
Gvarda Galaxias Galaxy Guard Responsible for interplanetary and interstellar law enforcement, as well as law enforcement on planets that are too small in population to have their own police forces
Marinen Špacin Space Marines Responsible for boarding high-priority enemy ship, as well as serving as the vanguard troops in planetary assaults

Navy organization emblems


The current flagship of the Mechyrdian Navy is the CMŠ Epicheirema. The historical flagships of the Navy have been:

Ship name and registry Ship class and tonnage Operational during Known for
CMŠ Epicheirema (CCLN-2) Ferthlon-class cruiser 0 UC - 17 UC (2640 AD - 2657 AD)

Defense of Mechyrd during the Mechyrdian Revolution

Location of the signing of the Treaty of Vensca by Ciar Nicólei and the Tylan Theocracy's leadership

CMŠ Patefaktio (BLN-19) Potestas-class battlecruiser 17 UC - 136 UC (2657 AD - 2776 AD)

Usage as a mobile support base for rebuilding Tylan society after the Tylan Revolution

Destruction during the American Millennium Attack by the Vestigium

CMŠ Epicheirema (CCLF-23) Vensca-class cruiser 141 UC - 142 UC (2781 AD - 2782 AD) Launch base from which Corporal Štertów boarded Khagan Atzal Arka's ship during the Arkant Horde's invasion of Mechyrdia
CMŠ Intrepida (AHF-37) Tyla-class battleship 144 UC - 204 UC (2784 AD - 2844 AD)

Leading the defense of Mechyrd during the Ferthlon Insurrection

Conducting the Scouring, the forced exile of Ferthlonese rebels to Diadochi space

CMŠ Legionnar (ALAF-51) Nova Roma-class battleship 208 UC - 242 UC (2848 AD - 2882 AD)

First ship to have a Mega Giga Cannon on its bow instead of torpedo launchers

Meeting place where the counterattack against the Ilkhan Commune was coordinated

Location where the Treaty of Niskon was signed by Mechyrdia, Fulkreykk, and the Ilkhan Commune's surrendering leaders

Facing little action during the Fulkreyksk Cold War

CMŠ Epicheirema (ACLX-67) Languavarth-class battleship 254 UC - present (2894 AD - present) Current flagship of the Mechyrdian Navy


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