I sing of arms and man, and a galaxy in peril
Of a republic in winter, on the brink of empire
Of a dark god's marauder horde, vengeful and feral
Of a nation stuck between tradition's tomb and Fate's fire
Of a remnant of ancients, lost to the abyss of history
Of a conquered and restored people, longing for their old ways
Of a new order in the underworld, shrouded in mystery
O Muse, tell me, whom shall condemn and whom shall praise?
Caesar's mercy, Liha's wrath, Coleman's ambition
When the wheel of history turns and turns
And the shadowed tyrants embark on their mission
To the fire set, that the galaxy burns

Table of Contents
Countries - Characters - Extra Characters - Galaxy - History - Warships - Politics

Empire of Mechyrdia
Tylan Republic
Dutch Outer Space Company

Mechyrdian Language
Tylan Language
Mechyrdian Calendar
Mechyrdia Sans
Neo-Gothic Architecture
Names of the Empire

Ferthlon Insurrection
Great Galactic War

Army - Navy (Ships - CMŠ Epicheirema - Port Maw)

Chancellor Marc Adlerówič Basileiów
Admiral of the Empire Lucius Valerius Maximus
Ambassador-General Orthophone
Gubernator Olympiae Marc Pierre Caton
Governar Caliborskai Ileexie Vyssikah
Rex Karolinae Karl XII von Ritter

Notable Planets

Charter of Commonwealth
Sebastople Hall

Arkant Horde


Ogus am-Yuli Khan
Malya kaVrynne
Vyrni Khardus


Isarnareyksk Federation
First Fulkreyksk Authoritariat
Second Fulkreyksk Authoritariat

Thedish Language
Kishari Language

Great Galactic War


Haukmarascal Demeter Ursalia
Laysarr Torgompek Qahan
Forarr Vrankenn Kassck
Forarr Praethoris Khorr

Populisk Raed



Felinae Felices


Maxima Tanaquil Cassia Pulchra

Great Galactic War
